Af Simon Christensen
Experimental-folkmusikeren Goodiepal har netop udsendt det, han kalder en comeback-udgivelse med nyt materiale: “The Scottish Rave Whistle & The Danish Homophobic Rave Recorders 7″, der også bærer undertitlen the new homofobique psy-donk og er Audio$var nummer 91. Denne tilsyneladende pro-homofobiske 7″ indeholder to ‘hit bangers’.
A-siden er 75 % Goodiepal-rave på blokfløjte og 25 % rester fra et technobeat, der er indspillet med Adam Campbell. “Det er psykedelisk, men noget af donken må man tænke sig frem til”, forklarer han blandt andet (en definition af donk: “Combining the 150bpm madness of happy hardcore with indecipherable North English rap and then overlaying the whole mess with a single, infuriating donk sound, Donk may well be the apotheosis of all ridiculous dance music to date.”).
B-siden er Goodiepals første eksplicit seksuelle track, der indeholder en vokalperformance af queer-kunstneren Dennis Agerblad og et sample af et Goodiepal-rave på blokfløjte. Alt sammen rimelig langt ude, men overvejende velfungerende inden for den snævre subgenre Rave Whistles and Homosexuality.
Eksternt link: Lyt til “The Scottish Rave Whistle” her.
“Dear Anna. It’s the Goodiepal here.[…]
I have sent you two tracks for a 7-inch, let’s make it into reality, you know that there is a lot of very very very good rave music going on at the moment. Both Mr. Stargate (Lorenzo Senni), Roc (Evol) and Richard in London have made some more than rocking tunes… I sort of wanted to take part in the actions since I realised that the domain of the Rave-whistles & homosexuality has not been touched. This is my territory and these two tracks are my contribution to a steady flow of bangers. But first things first. See whistles, bongos & tambourines as something that has always been on top of things and outside the music there & that flows from the speakers in the dance-clubs. And that is why they always have had my interest…
If you go to a rave-party even today, most people do not pay any particular interest in the music the ravers with the whistles are making and in most situations at the best only a few other ravers finds it a bit annoying. Well you know that I love the whistles and for me there is hardly a good night out without them, – especially now a days. I know that you know that I am quite a dancer. Folk+dance, brega-disco or the finner-dances. I take them all…” (Teksten fortsætter i bookletten.)
Info: “The Scottish Rave Whistle & The Danish Homophobic Rave Recorders” er ude nu på ALKU. Den 14-dobbelte vinyludgivelse udkommer senere på Editions Mego. De fysiske eksemplarer kan erhverves sammen med udvalg fra Goodiepals bagkatalog til priser mellem 5 og 5001 kroner i Kihoskh.